Pennsylvania State Data Center

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Results for Maps of the Month:

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Maps of the Month

pdfFree and Reduced Lunch hide

published: 10/29/2020 | tags: Education , Maps of the Month

pdfCOVID-19 Hot Spot Analysis hide

Hot spot analysis using ZIP code data obtained from PEMA ArcGIS Online Web Map as of 04/22/2020.

published: 4/27/2020 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfSpanish Speaking Households hide

By County for U.S.

published: 11/20/2019 | tags: Ancestry , County-Level Data , Ethnicity , Maps of the Month

pdfFastest Growing Racial/Ethnic Group by County, 2010-2018 hide

Individual race data for Black, Asian, Multiracial/Other refer to non-Hispanic. Data for Hispanic refer to all persons of Hispanic or Latino origin regardless of race. Multiracial/Other refers to individuals who are Native Hawaiian//Other Pacific Islander, American Indian//Native Alaskan, or Two or More races.

published: 7/1/2019 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfForeign Born Population, 2010 or Later hide

The percent of each state's foreign born population that arrived in 2010 or later.

published: 3/12/2019 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfVacant Housing, PA MCDs hide

published: 12/10/2018 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfPA Domestic Outmigration hide

published: 11/1/2018 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfCounty Population Change: 2010 to 2017 hide

Percent change of population in Pennsylvania's counties since 2010.

published: 3/29/2018 | tags: County-Level Data , Estimates , Estimates Data , Maps of the Month

pdfElder Dependency Index in PA, 2016 hide

The number of persons age 65 years and over for every person age 15 to 64 years.

published: 12/18/2017 | tags: Age , County-Level Data , Estimates , Estimates Data , Maps of the Month

pdfHouseholds with Unaffordable Housing Costs hide

Household affordability is typically defined by a ratio of income to housing costs where unaffordable housing is characterized by a housing cost that is above 30 percent of the household's income.

published: 10/27/2017 | tags: Maps of the Month

pdfEmployees in Manufacturing Industry hide

Total for NAICS 31-33 in Pennsylvania, 2015

published: 10/2/2017 | tags: County-Level Data , Economy , Maps of the Month

pdfPercent Decrease in the Uninsured Population Age 50 to 64 from 2013 to 2015 hide

Rapid decreases in the uninsured population occurred after the the opening of the healthcare exchange and Medicaid expansion between 2014 and 2015 due to the Affordable Care Act.

published: 7/27/2017 | tags: Age , County-Level Data , Health Insurance , Maps of the Month

pdfPA Asian Resident Location Quotient, 2015 hide

Location quotient for Asian residents in PA by census tract.

published: 1/3/2017 | tags: American Community Survey Data , Ethnicity , Maps of the Month , Race

pdfIncome Replacement Rate for Retirement Age, Pennsylvania Counties: 2007-2011 hide

Rate = Median Household Income for the population 65 years and over / Median Household Income for the population 45 to 64 years

published: 8/1/2013 | tags: Income , Maps of the Month

pdfSeptember 2010 - Estimated Overall Minority Population, Pennsylvania Counties 2009 hide

Map containing the overall minority population of each county, defined as the total population minus the population that is of the White race group alone, and is not Hispanic or Latino.

published: 9/1/2010 | tags: Ethnicity , Maps of the Month , Race