Map showing percent change in decennial population counts for Pennsylvania counties 200 to 2010
Map showing 2010 decennial population counts for Pennsylvania counties
Change in total population for Pennsylvania municipalities 2000 to 2010
Map showing percent change in decennial population counts for Pennsylvania municipalities 200 to 2010
Compare Pennsylvania's Census 2010 population to other states
Corrections to the Census 2000 Population by Pennsylvania geographic area based on the Count Question Resolution Program
Pennsylvania Population Projections file by county with percent change 2000 to 2030
General demographic and housing characteristics for Pennsylvania municipalities from the 2000 decennial Census
General demographic and housing characteristics for Pennsylvania counties from the 2000 decennial Census
General demographic and housing characteristics for Pennsylvania from the 2000 decennial Census
General demographic and housing characteristics for Pennsylvania counties from the 1990 decennial Census
General demographic and housing characteristics for Pennsylvania from the 1990 decennial Census
Pennsylvania Population Projections file by county, age and gender 2020 to 2050
Map of changes from 2020 Estimates Base to July 1, 2023 Population Estimate