Analytical tools and resources to help Pennsylvanians make strategic, data-informed decisions. Uncover the meaning behind the numbers.
Change from 2020 Estimates Base to July 1, 2023 Population Estimate
Key changes to the Census Bureau’s urban area concept and criteria for Census 2020
Comparison of 2021 Pennsylvania household income by race
Pennsylvania Population Projections file by county, age and gender 2010 to 2040
An overview of the diversity index in Pennsylvania based on Census 2020 data
Employment data for Pennsylvania's hispanic population in 2021
Quantifying Establishments and Employment in "Life Sustaining" Industries and Impact on Unemployment Claims during the Covid-19 pandemic
Details of the Census 2020 Count Question Resolution (CQR) and Post-Census Group Quarters Review (PCGQR) operations
Map displaying Linear Miles of Trails per 100 Square Miles of Pennsylvania County Area in 2020