Pennsylvania State Data Center

Child Diversity in PA School Districts, 2009 to 2017


Click here to read the accompanying report on Child Diversity in Pennsylvania. The report and visualization were developed in collaboration with our affiliate, Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children. Learn more about their work at

Notes: The population of color is defined as individuals that identify as a race other than white, as multiracial, or as Hispanic or Latino (i.e. the population of color is the total population minus the non-Hispanic white population). All mentions of “white” refer to the non-Hispanic white population. For all other races, individuals may be of Hispanic origin while Hispanic individuals may be of any race. For these reasons, percentages may not total to 100%. The “Multiracial/Other” category includes multiracial persons and those who identify as American Indian/Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander, or some other race. All single-year references denote the end year in the ACS five-year survey period. All mentions of growth refer to a group’s portion of the total population and are reported in percentage points.